AMC and his partner, offers a tailored Toolbox to achieve your EASA Part NCC Compliance without changing your Operation.

What should you know ?

  • EASA Air Operations Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Part-NCC applies to non-commercial flights in complex motor-powered aircraft.
  • Part-NCC will be effective as from 25 August 2016.
  • Difference between NCO and NCC:
    • To provide proportionate rules, the Agency proposed two different sets of rules for non-commercial operations depending on the complexity of the aircraft operated. For the operation of non-complex aircraft (aeroplanes, helicopters, sailplanes, balloons) proportionate basic safety rules apply (Part-NCO). For the operation of complex aircraft (aeroplanes, helicopters) more advanced safety rules apply (Part-NCC and partly Part-ORO), particularly taking into account that complex aircraft may carry a larger number of passengers and usually require professional teams for their operations.

What can we do for you and what is in our package ?

  • A Safety Management System
  • A Compliance Monitoring System
  • An Internal Audits System
  • An Occurrences Reporting System
  • Operation Manuals
  • Training Modules
  • A Digital Records Keeping System
  • Online Access to your Datas

Safety Management System

A Safety Management System (SMS) is essentially a Quality Management approach for controlling risk. For NCC Operators, the SMS forms the core of the Operators safety efforts.

Our team can create the required tools for your compliance.

Compliance Monitoring & Audit System

Each aircraft operator has to implement by regulatory requirement a Compliance Monitoring Program.

Our experts will carry out audits both internal and external.

Occurences Reporting System

Experience has shown that accidents are often preceded by safety-related incidents and deficiencies thereby revealing the existence of safety hazards.

Our Team will help you to report, collect, store, protect, disseminate, analyse, and implement the appropriate safety actions.

Operations manual & Record Keeping

The format of the records shall be specified in the Operator’s procedures. All records shall be stored for various length of time.

We will guide you though the process, which will be described in you operation manual.